
Health & Wellness System: Integrated Brand Experiences

Health & Wellnes System
for Covid-19 can help
brands safely deliver
integrated brand experiences

As more than 145,000 retail businesses eagerly anticipate the end of a Covid-restricted life, retailers face a tough challenge that lies ahead of them – mitigating health risks for both employees and consumers while adhering to the provincial health and safety guidelines. This creates an instantaneous need for a fully equipped Health & Wellness system which can succour brands across industries to safely deliver integrated brand experiences. An artificial intelligence powered Health & Wellness system empowers a brand to create a safe, secure and constantly monitored environment for all facility operations; not only for shåoppers, but also for the frontline and back-of-store employees. In addition, dynamic and interactive Digital Signage solutions provide brands with a way to engage with their consumers digitally for updates, offers and more. The Health & Wellnes System Integrated Brand Experiences increases a brand’s chances of rebuilding the connection with their consumers within physical spaces by delivering safe and seamless shopping experiences.

  • While ecommerce is experiencing phenomenal growth, 87% of consumers still prefer shopping in stores
  • Fear of contracting COVID-19 has led to health and safety becoming each consumer’s primary concern that every retail brand must address
  • A robust Health & Wellness System for Covid-19 provides end-to-end safety for shoppers and facilitates dynamic and customizable digital advertising options for the retailer

This pandemic has certainly fuelled a surge in online shopping. But despite consumers’ ‘needs’ overpowering ‘wants’ they still demand an in-store experience. A research by Businesswire showed that 87% of US shoppers would still prefer to shop in stores. However, what they seek as much as an immersive experience is a contactless and safe movement in and out of the store, courtesy social distancing. While 59% of the consumers enjoyed shopping outdoors in the pre-pandemic world, fear of contraction has brought the figure down to an alarming 24%, a report by Deloitte suggested. Thus, these expectations are likely to become the new periphery for consumer experience. Furthermore, this proclivity for cleanliness is now pushing brands to carve a health and safety driven consumer journey especially in the retail, healthcare and hospitality sectors.

While this may appear to be a momentary deviation from ‘business as usual’, industry experts are inclined toward declaring health and safety to be a priority for both consumers and retailers in the post-pandemic era. At iGotcha, we are working rigorously to help brands navigate through this newly learned behaviour which revolves around safety, convenience and selection; as we understand this is the need of the hour. Our ‘Health & Wellness System for Covid-19’ encompasses technologies which not only activate a safety zone from the parking where a consumer arrives all the way to the back-of-store where staff manages the inventory; but also facilitates dynamic and customizable digital advertising options for brands. This allows brands across industries to communicate with their consumers consistently and effectively.

Furthermore, our cutting-edge technology embedded in occupancy sensors and applications designed for managing queues, wait for times, alerts and real-time reporting; ensure a smooth and consistent flow of actionable data. In addition, supplement technologies facilitating thermal detection, digital sanitization and store sterilization enable a brand to solve a dual purpose – provide both consumers and employees with high levels of safety, and as a business constantly adhere to the health and safety guidelines outlined by their provinces.

In this new normal where the world is joining hands to showcase solidarity, brands ought to bring in a gargantuan change in the way they position themselves – an entity that is driven by empathy, has a sense of purpose and prioritises the health and safety of every individual associated with every shopping transaction that takes place. A recent survey conducted across 11 countries by Capgemini found out that 53% of the consumers are expecting their brands to lead by example and display their ‘responsible’ side in their new ways of engaging; now also at a community level. iGotcha’s creative and strategy team is currently focussing on helping brands achieve this with a robust ‘Health & Wellness System’. The Health & Wellness System can help brands safely deliver integrated brand experiences.

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